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Does ADFD prioritise renewable energy projects?

ADFD firmly believes that the implementation of renewable energy projects in developing countries is crucial to bolstering their energy resources and, in turn, boosting key economic sectors. In line with the global efforts to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Fund is committed to financing renewable energy projects and facilitating the adoption of relevant policies.

What are ADFD’s funding procedures?

Upon receiving an application in the form of an official submission from the governmental entity (such as a ministry) in charge of international borrowing, supported by an economic feasibility study and a project financing plan, ADFD reviews the request, and evaluates the technical and economic feasibility of the project. The Fund then dispatches a delegation to the beneficiary country to carry out a field assessment. The delegation evaluates the project, studies the economic conditions, verifies the soundness of the feasibility study, validates the cost estimate, and ensures that the project addresses one of the beneficiary country’s development priorities. Upon completion of the field assessment report, the delegation submits a recommendation to the Board of Directors for approval or rejection of funding. After obtaining the final approval, ADFD notifies the government of the beneficiary country, prepares the draft loan agreement, and initiates discussions on the content and wording of the document. Once the two parties arrive at a mutually agreeable version, the process culminates in the signing of the agreement. For more information, please visit our Funding Process page.

How does ADFD select projects for financing?

The Fund selects projects for financing according to specific criteria that gauge the effectiveness of their contribution to the socio-economic development of the beneficiary country.

What sector does ADFD mainly target, public or private?

The Fund targets the public sector projects, which are guaranteed by the beneficiary government concerned. It works with government institutions in the countries concerned and considers their needs for development initiatives and projects across regions.

How does ADFD operate with regards to projects?

ADFD follows a strict series of steps and procedures regarding projects, to guarantee cohesiveness, fairness and professionalism. For a detailed review please visit our Funding Process page.

What are the geographic areas of focus for ADFD?

ADFD launches and manages development initiatives in all developing countries that suffer from challenges in the field of social and economic development. The fund also aims to contribute to poverty reduction and energizing the process of sustainable development in a balanced manner around the world. ADFD has implemented and is currently financing projects in the Middle East and North, Eastern and Central Africa, as well as South, Central and Northern Asia.

How does ADFD differ from other financial institutions, such as banks?

ADFD is a non-profit governmental institution that aims to assist developing countries in achieving sustainable development and improving the living standards of their people. ADFD’s development funding finances infrastructure projects that stimulate the socio-economic development of these countries. To enhance the contribution of developing countries to the global economy, the Fund supports initiatives that lead the beneficiary countries on the path of prosperity. ADFD provides concessionary loans with low interest rates and long repayment periods to governments of developing countries in accordance with international standards. The Fund also manages development grants earmarked by the Government of Abu Dhabi to developing countries.

Why was ADFD established?

Abu Dhabi Fund for Development (ADFD) was established to support the government’s efforts in financing vital sectors within developing countries to ensure socio-economic wellbeing. ADFD places a particularly strong emphasis on infrastructure, as it underpins all successful economies.

Why is ADFD focusing on financing developments abroad rather than the UAE?

In an effort to aid developing nations, Abu Dhabi Fund for Development (ADFD) was established as the global development arm of the UAE.  It supports and fosters socio-economic growth for the developing world. Furthermore, as of 2013 the Fund amended its strategy to commence investing within the UAE as well as maintaining its commitment to assist abroad.

How is ADFD different from other financial entities such as banks which provide similar services?

ADFD is a non-profit entity that aims to create better living conditions within developing countries, throughout supporting programs that help them prosper and contribute within the global economy. In this regard, the Fund provides soft loans that are closer to grants according to the highest international standards; low-interest fees are solicited to cover the administrative charges of the Fund's activities.